My role at Waterstons is...
All about delivery of technical solutions in all shapes, sizes and technologies. As a generalist, I work with a multitude of technology ranging from Office 365, AWS, Active Directory, Exchange, SQL, Veeam, VMware and more. Most recently I've been focusing on technology and solutions to support and improve cyber security. Internally this includes assisting our SOC team in the architecting and deployment of SIEM tools. Externally I work with our customers to ensure their IT aligns with the latest security best practices whilst continuing to support and enable normal business operations.
My life away from work is...
Peacefully uneventful. I enjoy exercise, reading and a (definitely healthy) amount of video gaming.
I’ll be with you when...
You have a complex or challenging project that needs to be streamlined into a solution that works best for you and delivered as smoothly as possible. Or when you need advice on how to approach a technical challenge or line up a technical solution to a business problem.
My sector strengths are...
- Cyber security