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Jan 2023

Back 2 School: Cyber Security & Kids At School

As a parent, you want to keep your child safe from harm, whether that means making sure they wear a helmet when they ride their bike or teaching them to look both ways before crossing the street. As we all know, cyber threats are everywhere. Children harmlessly on their smart devices may seem innocent. However, cyber threats don’t discriminate.  


As a parent, you want to keep your child safe from harm, whether that means making sure they wear a helmet when they ride their bike or teaching them to look both ways before crossing the street. As we all know, cyber threats are everywhere. Children harmlessly on their smart devices may seem innocent. However, cyber threats don’t discriminate.  


Just like the viruses that can make us sick, computer viruses can harm our devices and steal our personal information. They can be hidden in email attachments, websites, or even in games and apps that we download.  


Phishing is when someone or a software program tries to trick us into giving them our personal information, like our password or credit card number. They might do this by sending us an email or a message that looks like it's from a trusted source, like our bank or a friend. But if we give them our information, they can use it to steal our money or our identity. 


One important step is to make sure that their devices have up-to-date security software installed. This can help to block viruses and other harmful software from getting onto their device. 

It's also important to teach your child to be cautious when they're online. They should never give out personal information, like their name, address, or phone number, to anyone they don't know. If they receive a message or an email from someone they don't know, they should not open any attachments or click on any links. 

Finally, it's important to have regular conversations with your child about their online activities. Stay in the loop with what websites they visit, who they talk to online, and what games they play. This can help you to spot any potential red flags, and to make sure that your child is staying safe while they're online. 

Protecting your child from cyber threats is an important part of keeping them safe. By teaching them to be cautious online, installing security software on their devices, and having regular conversations about their online activities, you can help to keep your child safe from the dangers of the digital world.