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Aug 2022

Pentesting: What Is It?

Are you looking at hiring pentesters but not quite sure what they do, how they do it and if it's really necessary for your business? This article will tell you exactly what pentesters do, how they do it and what it means for your business. 

Categories Cyber Security

Penetration testing or Pentesting for short is a process in which an organization’s cyber security is put to the test by ethical hackers.

While organizations may put cyber security strategies in place, it’s hard to know if every hole has been patched and every attack vector considered. This is where an ethical hacker comes in. 

Ethical hackers (Pentesters) are security experts who are trained to employ the same tricks and techniques as a well-trained adversary. During a Pentest they follow strict methodologies made up of checklists and guidelines ensuring they look for all the common holes that a normal scanner just couldn’t pick up in a way that won’t damage the infrastructure they are testing.  

Why does my business need this?   

Pentesting is an essential tool for businesses to assess the effectiveness of their security measures. It ensures that your systems can withstand attacks from sophisticated threats. As the threat landscape evolves, Pentesting has become even more essential for businesses of all sizes.  

By incorporating regular Pentesting into your cyber security strategy, your business can protect its systems and data from the ever-changing threats posed by hackers.  

Can my current IT company complete this test?   

Not likely.

IT companies are very good at IT and while they typically follow best practice and security guidelines when building policy, process and procedure, they aren’t inherently IT Security experts. Without specific methodology and staff trained to perform tests, you’ll likely at best see automated scans for vulnerabilities.

At Waterstons Australia, we have a dedicated team of cyber security experts who have the experience and expertise to keep your data safe.   

We understand the importance of keeping your people & data safe, and we are committed to providing the highest level of protection possible.   

Contact us today to learn more about Pentesting.